Call for applications for the Beug Foundation’s Prize for Metastasis Research 2023
Application deadline April 30, 2023
The Beug Foundation’s Prize for Metastasis Research is meant to facilitate the implementation of novel, original approaches to combat cancer metastasis. In 2023 we will award two prizes of 12 kEuro to scientists that convincingly present an original project on cancer metastasis research. We will award one prize to a scientist that obtained a PhD at most 6 years ago, a second prize to a scientist who obtained a PhD at most 12 years ago*. Through this prize, the foundation offers a financial seed to obtain the first preliminary data that are required to convince funding institutions or pharma-industry to further support this project thereby bringing novel initiatives one step closer to the aim to combat cancer metastasis.
*We will judge the two categories separately, but quality is leading. We may decide to award both prizes in 1 category.
If you have questions see information below or contact: